The Ministry of Labor and Social Economy wants to fine companies that fail to comply with the time registration and the reduction of the maximum working week to 38.5 hours in 2024 and to 37.5 hours in 2025 with up to 10,000 euros per worker .
This is stated in the draft bill for the reduction of the maximum duration of the ordinary working day, to which Europa Press has had access. Thus, there would be a stiffening of the current sanctions on working hours in two ways: firstly, because companies will be fined for each worker who violates the rules and not as a whole, and secondly, because the amount of the fines, classified as a serious infringement by employers, will be more substantial, rising from a maximum of 7,500 euros to 10,000 euros.
The minimum fine would be from 1,000 to 2,000 euros, in its medium degree from 2,001 to 5,000 euros and in its maximum degree from 5,001 to 10,000 euros. This will depend on the violation of the rules and legal limits agreed upon regarding working hours, night work, overtime, rest breaks, vacations and leaves of absence.
In the current legislation of the Law on Social Order Infringements and Penalties, known as LISOS, the amount of the fines for transgressing the legal limits of working time are sanctioned with 751 to 1,500 euros in its minimum degree; with 1,501 to 3,750 euros in its medium degree, and with 3,751 to 7,500 euros in its maximum degree.