The Code of Ethics and Good Governance Commission strikes back after the response of the president of the Consell Insular de Formentera, Llorenç Cordoba: he asks the plenary to file another complaint and that the report prepared by the political and institutional crisis on the island be dealt with. In a letter he has sent to all political groups and the president of the Consell, which bears the signature of the secretary Angel Custodio Navarro, he requests that criminal proceedings be initiated by considering his statements as “offensive and insulting”. Last week, Cordoba has accused the Commission of acting in bad faith, arguing that this complaint is part of a deliberate attempt to displace him from his position. In addition, Cordoba had challenged two of the Commission’s had also challenged two of the five members of the Commission. For this reason, the Commission has demanded that Cordoba retract his accusations and bring the report to the plenary session. As detailed this morning by Radio Ibiza, the Commission has considered “intolerable” that Cordoba has referred to“a firing squad“, so it accuses him of defamation.
Emergency meeting
On October 30, the Code of Ethics Commission held an extraordinary session, after the complaint against Cordoba for alleged embezzlement of public salaries for the use for “purely private” purposes of the services of a civil servant was made known to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. This complaint has also been registered with the National Police of Ibiza, as detailed by Radio Ibiza. “He cannot use in any case his institutional position to obtain advantages, nor can he invoke his condition of public office to obtain directly or indirectly better conditions than those of the rest of the citizenship,” they have added regarding the complaint. In addition, they have rejected the accusations of the insular president and have remarked that their work responds to the “principles of impartiality and neutrality and dispensing with any motivation of a political and personal nature“.