The political tension continues to increase in the Consell de Formenterawhere the groups Sa Unió, Gent per Formentera and the PSOE voted against the holding of the extraordinary plenary urgently convened by the president, Llorenç Córdoba. The three formations have demanded that the agenda include the report prepared by the Ethics and Good Governance Commission on the institutional crisis affecting the island, something that, they argue, Cordoba continues to avoid. Socialist councilor Rafa Ramirez stressed that both the regulations of the Consell and the Royal Decree on the functioning of local entities establish that all files that have been concluded and sent to the Secretariat must be included in the sessions. Ramirez stressed that the president was not complying with this regulation by not presenting the report of the Ethics Commission. For his part, José Alcaraz, councilor of Sa Unió, openly criticized the president’s position, referring to Córdoba as “Don Erre que erre” for his refusal to make the report public.
Cordoba’s defense
Cordoba defended his decision by explaining that the report has not been finalized, as the allegations received have yet to be addressed. The island president himself himself has recused two of its five members and asked that the report be rescinded. He has also mentioned that, on repeated occasions, he had requested the holding of an ordinary plenary session without including this matter on the agenda, arguing that the content of the plenary session is the responsibility of the president, who makes the decisions “advised” by the secretary of the Consell. In addition, Cordoba stressed that the session included “very important” issues that should be dealt with without delay. The situation led to a recess in the plenary, during which an attempt was made to reach an agreement for a possible alternative session. However, the refusal of the political groups maintained their positions, and finally, when the urgency of the session was voted on, Cordoba was the only one to support it. The majority of the plenary voted against it, making it impossible to hold the extraordinary session. This blockage in the plenary session occurs while the councilor Artal Mayans is in London for the World Travel Marketwhich prevented him from participating in the vote. The lack of consensus on the report of the Ethics Commission reinforces the climate of tension in the Consell, leaving on hold the urgent issues until an agreement is reached.