The stabbing of a 34-year-old 34-year-old woman of Spanish nationality that took place this Sunday in Ibiza by her ex-partner took place after an argument out of jealousy, according to sources of the National Police. According to them, the aggressor – who after the stabbing took his own life – and his ex-partner had met this Sunday afternoon in a field near the family home to talk. However, after starting to argue, the man grabbed her by the neck, although she was able to hit him trying to separate, at which point the attacker took the opportunity to stab her. The woman began to call for help and it was a neighbor who, alerted by the screams, alerted the officers. The man, for his part, fled the scene, taking refuge in the house where he later took his own life. The UFAM of the National Police has taken over the investigation.
There were no prior allegations of abuse.