The weather forecast for today Saturday November 23rd in Ibiza, according to the AEMETindicates temperatures ranging from 14°C at dawn to 22°C at midday, dropping to 17°C at night. Winds from the southeast, with gusts of up to 15 km / h, will accompany a mostly cloudy day, with the possibility of some clearings towards the afternoon and evening.
The weather in Sant Josep de sa Talaia
Temperatures: Between 12°C at the beginning of the day and a maximum of 20°C during the day and 17°C at night.
Conditions: Predominant clouds throughout the day, with slight openings in the afternoon.
Wind: From the southeast, with gusts up to 20 km/h in the afternoon and evening.
The weather in Santa Eulària des Riu
Temperatures: The minimum will be 13°C, reaching a maximum of 21°C at noon, closing with 16°C at night.
Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies throughout the day, with a slight opening towards evening.
Wind: Moderate from the southeast, with constant speeds of 15 km/h.
The weather in Sant Joan de Labritja
Temperatures: Temperatures will range from 12°C at dawn to 20°C in the central hours of the day, closing at 15°C at night.
Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies during the morning, tending to partly clear towards the afternoon.
Wind: From the southeast, with a constant speed of 15 km/h throughout the day.
The weather in Sant Antoni de Portmany
Temperatures: Low of 14°C at dawn, with highs of 21°C at midday and 17°C at night.
Conditions: Overcast skies in the early morning, with sunny intervals and scattered clouds toward the afternoon and evening.
Wind: From the southeast, reaching up to 15 km/h.
The weather in Formentera
Temperatures: Low of 17°C in the early morning, with a high of 20°C at midday and remaining at 19°C at night.
Conditions: Overcast skies throughout the day, with intervals of clouds and clear skies in the afternoon.
Wind: Southeast with moderate gusts, reaching up to 20 km/h at night.