The weather forecast for today, Tuesday, November 26, according to AEMET data, indicates a minimum temperature of 14°C in the early morning, reaching a maximum of 21°C at noon and dropping again to 14°C in the evening, under mostly sunny skies with some light clouds in the afternoon and evening, accompanied by north winds ranging between 10 and 15 km/h.
The weather in Sant Josep de sa Talaia
Temperatures: Low of 14°C in the early morning, reaching 21°C at midday and dropping to 13°C at night.
Conditions: Clear skies for much of the day, with slight cloudy intervals in the afternoon.
Wind: Gentle from the north, with gusts up to 10 km/h.
The weather in Santa Eulària des Riu
Temperatures: Low of 14°C, high of 20°C at midday and 13°C at the end of the day.
Conditions: Cloudy and clear during the morning, with clearer skies in the afternoon.
Wind: From the northwest, with speeds between 5 and 10 km/h.
The weather in Sant Joan de Labritja
Temperatures: Low of 14°C in the early morning, with a maximum of 20°C in the central hours, dropping to 12°C at night.
Conditions: Clear skies during the morning, with a slight increase in cloudiness towards the afternoon.
Wind: Light from the north, with maximum gusts of 15 km/h.
The weather in Sant Antoni de Portmany
Temperatures: Temperatures will range from 15°C at dawn to 22°C during the central hours, closing at 13°C at night.
Conditions: Mostly clear skies, with intervals of light clouds in the afternoon.
Wind: Moderate from the north, reaching up to 10 km/h.
The weather in Formentera
Temperatures: Temperatures will range from a low of 17°C in the early morning to 21°C in the central hours, closing at 17°C at night.
Conditions: Clear skies for most of the day, with cloudy intervals towards the afternoon.
Wind: Moderate from the north, with gusts up to 10 km/h.