Electricity fraud continues to increase in the Balearic Islands and Santa Eulària des Riu and Ibiza are among the municipalities with the most cases detected in 2024, according to Endesa data. In total, the energy company registered 49 frauds in Santa Eulària and 33 in Ibiza, placing them among the most affected of the islands.
Across the Balearic Islands, 845 cases of electricity fraud were recorded, an increase of 26% over the previous year. The defrauded energy amounted to 10.8 million kilowatt hours (kWh), 68 % more than in 2023.
Marijuana and heavy users, the main culprits
According to Endesa, most of the frauds are related to marijuana plantations and large energy consumers, such as businesses or industries. These illegal installations not only represent a high economic cost, but also generate serious risks for the safety of neighbors due to electrical overloads and possible fires.
In 2024, more than 43 illegal connections per week were dismantled in Spain, many of them for the illegal cultivation of cannabis. These indoor plantations consume as much energy as 80 homes of 100 square meters, causing power cuts and damage to the electricity grid.
Risk of fires and power outages in Ibiza and Santa Eulària
The municipalities of Ibiza and Santa Eulària have registered an increase in the detection of illegal connections, which has generated concern among local authorities and residents. The manipulation of the electrical network increases the risk of fires and electrocutions, as well as affecting the quality of supply.
According to Endesa, in 2024 there were 24 fires in transformer stations due to overloads caused by electrical fraud. Illegal connections generate constant power outages in the affected neighborhoods, harming families and businesses.
After each police intervention, electricity consumption in the area is reduced by up to 90%, confirming the impact of these activities. However, this effect is usually temporary, as the illegal connections are reactivated in a matter of days.