The liberalization of land and the possibility of studying 50% in Spanish and 50% in Catalan. These are the demands that Vox has to support autonomic budgets for 2025. This was made known in his recent speech in the Balearic Parliament Manuela Cañadas, spokeswoman for the party.
In any case, Cañadas has clarified that Vox has not had any contact with the Govern nor with the PP to discuss the budgets. On the other hand, they have had contacts with the Government to negotiate other laws and decrees that will be presented soon.
Soil and education
In relation to the liberalization of land, Cañadas has stressed that it is an “essential” measure to be able to support the budget. In his opinion, the liberalization of land and the change of uses would allow progress to be made in the housing problem.
“We believe that there is a very serious housing problem and that only by liberalizing the land and changing the uses can progress be made on this issue. If we do not change the use of the plots that the left made them rustic so that now they can be buildable again, we will not move forward,” the spokeswoman said.
Likewise, on the language in education, he remarked that his party defends the free choice of language but that, not having a parliamentary majority, they have to adapt and come closer to what the PP defends: “If we were in the Government there would be schools where you could study exclusively in Catalan and others in Spanish, but not being in the Government we ask that you can study in Spanish and Catalan at 50%”.
Almost a month ago, Vox had said it would support Budget 2025 in exchange for “linguistic freedom”.