Tension in the Parliament: Vox accuses the Government of pretending to deceive to approve the budgets and Prohens responds that she will not allow “blackmail”.

The president of the Govern pointed out that they will "correct" the mistake of approving a series of amendments proposed by the conservatives in the simplification decree law. She also accused other sectors of making a "political use" of the situation.
01/10/2024 La presidenta del Govern, Marga Prohens.. El Govern balear aprobará el próximo mes de febrero un decreto ley de medidas urgentes contra la congestión turística con medidas que cuenten con el consenso de la Mesa del Pacto por la Sostenibilidad. POLITICA TOMAS MOYÀ - EUROPA PRESS

The president of the Govern, Marga Prohens, has assured that the amendments to the opinion of the decree of administrative simplification proposed by Vox and that were approved by an error of the Popular Parliamentary Group “should never have been voted and incorporated“because they represent a “red line”. This has been a source of tension with representatives of different political sectors of the Parliament, especially Vox. Prohens has defended that his“is a responsible Government” because he has assumed the error “with humility and will correct it to restore legal certainty and that nothing comes into force that does not have the support of the majority of the Parliament”. The implications of this “mistake” of voting the block of amendments of Vox were the central theme during the plenary session of the Parliament on Tuesday. In response to a query from the spokesman of MÉS per Mallorca, Lluís Apesteguia, Prohens pointed out that, since last July, when Santiago Abascal’s party broke all its autonomous government agreements, his is a Government “in minority” and that negotiates “law by law and initiative by initiative”. Prohens acknowledged that “there was an error during the vote on the opinion of the simplification decree” and regretted that “the vote was not allowed to be repeated” as “has always been allowed when this has happened”. In addition, he has criticized the parliamentary spokesman of Més per Menorca-Mixed Group, Josep Castells: he has accused him of “making politics with a mistake made” by the Popular Group. “If we make a mistake, we recognize it with humility and correct the mistake to restore legal certainty and that nothing that does not have the support of the majority of this House will enter into force,” insisted Prohens.

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Disputes with Vox

“Pride, arrogance and parliamentary discourtesy”, defined the representative of Vox, Manuela Cañadas, after asking Prohens about the possible repeal of the 34 amendments of Vox to the opinion of the decree of administrative simplification that the PP supported by mistake. On the elimination of the requirement of the Catalan language in the public functionas established in one of the points of the block approved last week, the Vox parliamentarian has reproached that now the PP wants to repeal this measure, although it is the same that the party promoted during the legislature of José Ramón Bauzá. Prohens replied: “What the people in the street do not want, and you find it hard to understand, is linguistic confrontation. In this party we made this reflection, and I have said it, you will not find me in the linguistic confrontation, which only the left would like”. The president of the Parliament has also clarified:“We removed the requirement of Catalan in health because there was a need for health workers and there was a consensus with the sector, which asked us for it“. At one point in his reply, Cañadas has addressed the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports, who had previously reproached Vox for not allowing the repetition of the vote after the PP’s mistake. “Pride, arrogance and parliamentary discourtesy is to believe that they have an absolute majority and that they can deceive Vox to have budgets,” Cañadas has warned. “I ask for respect for the party that won the elections and for those who supported him. I will not allow blackmail or make politics with a mistake. The value of the word given and agreements is very important, and not only in political life,” Prohens has replied.

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