Slight decline in employment in Ibiza and Formentera: 1,600 fewer contributors than a year ago

In terms of contracts signed, in Ibiza 3,299 labor agreements were signed in November, while in Formentera there were 319.
Empleo en Baleares.

Employment in Ibiza y Formentera has experienced a slight drop with respect to the same period of the previous year, according to the latest data of affiliation to the Social Security corresponding to the month of November. In total, both islands have registered a loss of almost 1,600 contributors. Specifically, Ibiza has 60,991 affiliates, which means 1,441 less than in 2023, while in Formentera there are 3,547, with a decrease of 155 contributors, representing a drop of more than 4%. The regional secretary of Labor, Catalina Cabrer, has minimized this decrease by describing it as “minor” and pointed out that the general trend in the Pitiusas is still positive in the long term, with historically solid labor indicators.

Contracts and unemployment: opposing dynamics

In the field of unemployment, November’s figures reflect a month-on-month increase compared to October, with 280 more unemployed in Ibiza and a slight increase of just over 2% in Formentera. However, when comparing with November 2023, the number of unemployed has decreased: there are 124 less unemployed in Ibiza and 17 in Formentera, which puts the year-on-year unemployment decrease rate at almost 4% for Ibiza and 6% for Formentera. Regarding the contracts signed, in Ibiza 3,299 labor agreements were signed in November, while in Formentera there were 319. Most of them were indefinite: 2,644 in Ibiza and 234 in Formentera. This figure highlights an increase of 33% in hiring on the smaller island compared to October and a notable increase of 75% over the same month last year.

Reading of the Govern

Cabrer stressed that, despite the monthly fluctuations in the labor market, “historical records” have been reached in various indicators, highlighting the stabilization of permanent employment in the Pitiusas as a significant advance in the quality of hiring. Even so, the regional secretary has urged to continue working on active employment policies to strengthen stability in the months of lower economic activity.

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