The weather in Ibiza
In the municipality of Ibiza, temperatures will range between 9°C minimum and 18°C maximum. During the day a clear sky is expected, with moderate wind from the west, reaching speeds of up to 15 km/h.
The weather in Sant Josep de sa Talaia
For Sant Josep de sa Talaia a minimum of 9°C and a maximum of 17°C is forecast. Clear skies and a day without precipitation, with light winds from the southwest reaching 10 km/h.
The weather in Santa Eulària des Riu
In Santa Eulària des Riu a mostly sunny day is expected with temperatures between 8°C minimum and 20°C maximum. Winds from the northwest and west will blow with speeds up to 10 km/h.
The weather in Sant Joan de Labritja
Sant Joan de Labritja will have temperatures ranging between 7°C minimum and 19°C maximum. The day will be sunny with winds from the southwest reaching 10 km/h.
The weather in Sant Antoni de Portmany
In Sant Antoni de Portmany the temperatures will be between 9°C and 18°C. A clear sky is expected throughout the day, with light winds from the west, reaching 10 km/h.
The weather in Formentera
For Formentera a clear day is forecast, with minimum temperatures of 13°C and maximum temperatures of 18°C. Winds will blow from the northwest and west, with moderate gusts of up to 10 km/h.