With the votes of Sa Unió (Partido Popular and Compromís) and the abstentions of Gent per Formentera and PSOE (who were the political groups that presented the motion of censure), the president of the Consell Insular de Formentera, Llorenç Córdoba, has been overthrown this Friday, and Óscar Portas has been appointed in his place.
In a crowded plenary hall, the Extraordinary Plenary was chaired by José Marí Torres, being the oldest councilor, the father of the firefighter plugged by an alleged rigging scheme headed by the former leadership of GxF.

The striking fact is that there was no representative of the Govern. In addition, there was only timid applause at the end, while the entire plenary session was held in absolute silence despite the fact that the hall was full.
The development of the extraordinary plenary session
The secretary of the institution, Angel Custodio Navarro, has reviewed the text of the motion, as well as the articles related to this political initiative. In addition, the secretary has recalled that the candidate for the presidency of the Consell is Óscar Portas, according to the agreement reached by the political groups of GxF, PSOE and Sa Unió. The PSOE spokesman, Rafael Ramirez, said that “today we judge his inability to manage” of Cordoba, reviewed the conclusions of the questioned report of the Code of Ethics Commission and said that “under this administration the Consell has lost its way”. Meanwhile, Alejandra Ferrer, of Gent per Formentera, argued that “Cordoba has lost the support of the entire plenary of the Consell and a large part of the population”. While Javier Serra, representing Sa Unió, said that they made a mistake in May 2023 “in entrusting our coalition to a candidate like Córdoba” and said that this was a “possibility to correct that mistake”. In addition, he said that Cordoba “has turned the Consell into an institution of personal priorities, leaving aside the general interest”. In the vote, with seven votes in favor, eight abstentions and the only negative vote of Cordoba, the secretary announced at 12:54 pm that “Mr. Llorenç Cordoba has been dismissed as president of the Consell Insular de Formentera” and that “Mr. Oscar Portas Joan has been proclaimed president-elect”.

Córdoba then handed the baton to Portas, who was sworn in as the new island president.