The PSOE denounces that the reform of sa Peixateria breaches the PEPRI of la Marina

The socialists have demanded explanations to the government team and have remarked that the project will be carried out with the opposition of neighbors and merchants.
Sa Peixateria.
Sa Peixateria.

The PSOE has taken aim at the PP government team in the Ibiza Town Hall for the recent call for tenders to refurbish sa Peixateria. According to the socialism, the project, with a total budget of 2,026,358.41 euros, “is contrary to what the Special Plan for Protection and Interior Reform (PEPRI) of the area indicates” and “will be carried out with the opposition of all the associations of neighbors and merchants of the historic neighborhoods of the city of Ibiza”.

One of the criticisms of socialism is that it is a protected building, which must respect the original architecture. “The basic and execution project states that it has a protection 1.1”, which implies that “its use is closely linked to its architectural conception”. “In the project, in fact, we can read: ‘The building object of this project, according to plan P-01-A, is encompassed within the category of protection of existing buildings: GRADE 1, which means total or partial linkage to its original model‘, which is the market”, has questioned the PSOE in a statement.


According to Socialism, the way in which the project seeks to justify the change of use is illegal, “indicating that the PEPRI already contemplates this change in its articles 16 and 17, which are not reproduced verbatim in the project or in the supervision report of the City Council, as is done with the other articles mentioned therein”. Article 16 is entitled

Rehabilitation of the Fish Market. Creation of a Social Center. Installation of a TE, and 17, Urbanization of the surroundings of the Mercat del Peix. In its statement, the PSOE has pointed out: “Article 16 does not speak of changing the use but to create a social center in the area or, if one interprets what the project itself says (‘total or partial linkage to its original model’), to use a part of the building as a social center, but it is still obliged to have a market use”. “Faced with the doubt that may originate this Article 16 – has added the socialism -, just go to Article 98 of Chapter Four of the PEPRI of La Marina and Eixamples area, which has not been included in the basic and executive project” Article 98 Social Center 1b4 says: “This service will be determined with a program, defined by the area of Social Services of the City Council of Ibiza. A constructible area is foreseen and linked to the current Market of sa Peixateria that will have to be defined in the corresponding study of detail indicated in the plane P01A” . The PSOE interprets that “a constructible area is foreseen” and “not the utilization of the Fish Market itself to make a social center with a program of social services, not a multipurpose cultural center”.

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Ibizan socialism has abstained in all votes concerning this project and, as noted in its statement, “has asked on several occasions about the steps taken by the government team to change the use of the building (…) without obtaining any response to date”. In addition, the municipal socialist group has denounced that “the mayor Rafael Triguero already lied in reference to this project when he assured in an interview that the cultural center had the endorsement of neighbors and merchants in the area, when the reality is that it was not consulted at any time and received in response a statement from all associations opposing the project and demanding a market or a supermarket in sa Peixateria to serve the historic neighborhoods.” Socialism has also requested “that the Ciotupha pronounce itself on this change of use that the PP government wants to make effective under the table”.

Pep Tur’s claim

In that line, the socialist councilman Pep Tur has asked Triguero and his councilman of Heritage, Juan Flores, “to say publicly what steps have been taken to modify the PEPRI in relation to its Peixateria, as we understand that without this modification what the current government team of the PP is doing is ignoring a regulation that does require the rest of the citizens who live or have properties or businesses in the historic districts of our city”. For Tur, “if Triguero’s intention is to carry out this project without any social support to the affected neighborhoods, he is free to do so, but always observing the regulations and complying with all the established procedures, which in the case of sa Peixateria they have decided to ignore, showing once again their way of governing. While on the one hand they talk about dialogue and consensus, in reality they ignore the will of the citizens to go ahead with their occurrences and improvisations”. The Councilman has denounced that “the project for a market was already tendered by the previous progressive government and was in execution when Triguero decided to stop the works and compensate the construction company”.

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