Agents of the National Police in Ibiza arrested last Saturday a man of Romanian origin and 35 years of age, as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of attempted murder.
The events occurred last Saturday night at 20:20 hours in Vila, at which time a call came into the 091 Room, reporting that a fight was occurring between several people in the street. “Once on the scene, the agents interviewed the requirer, who indicated to them in a high state of nervousness, that after an argument with his landlord this one had tried to stab him with a knife,” detailed the National Police. The aggressor threatened: “I’m going to kill you,” he shouted. According to the authorities, the argument had apparently started when the landlord of the apartment, occupied by himself and later rented to the victim, had come to the house demanding a place to sleep with two friends, claiming the lack of housing. The victim had refused to do so, thus beginning the dispute, in which the man came to wield a knife and tried to stab the victim several times without succeeding. Faced with the imminent arrival of the police patrol, the aggressor threw the knife in a planter, according to the victim, to later hit him hard with his hands, once the victim was on the ground. Thanks to a witness who alerted the emergency services and went to the scene to separate them, the agents were able to identify and arrest the aggressor, for a crime of attempted homicide. The knife with a blade of about 12 centimeters, was seized and located by the agents, in a planter very close to the scene. The ambulance had to go to the place in order to assist the victim of the injuries suffered, being transferred to the hospital of Can Misses.