The National Police have arrested in Ibiza a couple formed by a 32-year-old woman and a 37-year-old man for the robbery with violence of 250 euros from a man in a street in the area of ses Figueretes.
The group of specialized and violent crime(UDEV) arrested last Tuesday, January 21, the woman, of Spanish nationality, and the man, of Moroccan origin, after receiving the complaint of the victim, as reported by the National Police on Monday in a statement. The events occurred in the early hours of Monday, January 20, when the complainant was walking back home and a woman approached him asking for money, to which he gave a negative response. The woman followed the victim for several streets until she reached a place where there was a vehicle from which a man, her accomplice, got out. Together with the woman, the man began to beat the victim, even biting his arm to force him to give up the 250 euros that he refused to give them, and then both fled on the run. After receiving the complaint, the investigation group identified the aggressors who were arrested for a crime of robbery with violence.