The City Council of Sant Josephas activated the legionella protocol in all its facilities after detecting, in the periodic controls, a possible focus with this bacterium in the municipal sports center of Sant Jordi. Although it appears to be a false positive, have been activated “immediately” safety protocols for the protection of public health and all users of municipal facilities, the consistory reported Monday in a note. The measures consist of the preventive closure of the showers of the sports facilities, the disinfection of all centers, including schools, through chlorination systems, as well as the replacement of faucet filters and shower sprayers. The City Council is still awaiting the results from the laboratory and, in the “desirable” case that they are negative, “normality will be resumed as soon as possible”. They also wanted to convey a message of tranquility to the neighbors and users of the sports facilities, since “at all times” are following the safety protocols and guidelines of the health authorities. The consistory has also apologized for the inconvenience that these actions may cause and thanked the “understanding and cooperation” of all citizens.