The President of the Govern, Marga Prohensmeets this Wednesday with representatives of the Consell and the town councils of Ibiza to discuss several projects that are financed with the sustainable tourism tax (ITS), mainly related to the water cycle and the fight against illegal renting.
As reported by the regional executive, the meeting, to be held from 11.30 am at the School of Hotel Management of Ibiza, will also be attended by the councilors of Tourism, Jaume Bauzà, and the Sea and Water Cycle, Juan Manuel Lafuente.
On the other hand will be the president of the Consell de Ibiza, Vicente Marí, and the mayors of Ibiza, Sant Josep, Santa Eulària, Sant Joan and Sant Antoni.
At around 12.30 p.m., when the meeting is scheduled to end, the participants will meet with the media. Afterwards, Prohens will visit the facilities of the Escuela de Hostelería.