Four small boats have arrived, so far, during this morning and tomorrow with 59 immigrants, mostly of North African origin, to Ibiza and Formentera. The first boat was detected at 2:20 am and intercepted by the Guardia Civil of Formentera on land in the area d’ Estufadors. In total, there were 18 people of North African origin, in apparent good health. At 4:05 another 19 people were rescued 30 miles south of the island of Formentera, with the intervention of Salvamento Marítimo. While at 5:30 a.m., a total of 10 people were intercepted, five of Maghrebi origin and five of sub-Saharan origin, in apparent good health. The arrests took place on land in the Ctra de Sa Caleta in Ibiza, with the intervention of the Civil Guard of Sant Josep. Meanwhile, as reported by the Government Delegation in the Balearic Islands, at 09.00 hours, another 12 people of North African origin, in apparent good health, were intercepted. The events occurred on land in Camí de S’Estufador in Formentera. Civil Guard and Local Police of Formentera intervened.