The Civil Guard received a notice last Monday afternoon, for the disappearance of an octogenarian man who was unaccounted for in the area of Cala Vedella, for more than twenty-four hours. Immediately the patrol of the Guardia Civil of Sant Josep was activated, with the support of four components of the Roca Team of the Guardia Civil of Ibiza and Formentera. The agents organized a search device through the various trails frequented by the man, where he was located two kilometers from his home, after more than 35 hours missing, completely disoriented and badly injured after having suffered a fall and not being able to get up. Immediately the agents requested an advanced life support, who after arriving on the scene assisted him and transferred him to the Hospital de Can Misses. “The Civil Guard recalls the importance of citizen collaboration, which in many cases helps to narrow down the search to more precise areas, cutting time and facilitating the location of missing persons,” they have detailed.