A pedestrian in the center of Ibiza denounces lack of control over electric scooters

Although the local police responded quickly to the scene, their actions have been criticized by the affected party.
Conductora del patinete eléctrico.
Conductora del patinete eléctrico.

An incident occurred this morning in the center of Ibiza has sparked a debate on the regulation of electric scooters and pedestrian safety in the city. José Antonio Iniesta Navarro, who was run over while walking on the sidewalk, has recounted what happened in a post on social networks, criticizing the lack of control measures and clear regulations on Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMVs).

Hit-and-run and injuries

The accident took place in the city of Ibiza, where a woman driving an electric scooter at high speed on the sidewalk hit Iniesta.. Según su testimonio, ambos cayeron al suelo, lo que le provocó lesiones en el codo, tobillo, rodilla y espalda, esta última ya afectada por una lesión previa. “Caemos rodando por el suelo”, escribió Iniesta, visiblemente afectado por el suceso . La conductora del patinete, quien carecía de documentación adecuada y seguro del vehículo, intentó abandonar el lugar, pero una testigo impidió que se marchara antes de que llegara la Policía Local.

The authorities’ response

Although the local police responded quickly to the scene, their actions have been criticized by the affected party.. Según explicó en su publicación, los agentes no confiscaron el patinete ni tomaron medidas más contundentes, limitándose a imponer una multa por circular por la acera . “Si llevo un coche o moto sin seguro, me retienen el vehículo. Pero si es un patinete, parece que todo vale”, lamentó Iniesta. Además, los agentes informaron al afectado de que, para proceder con una denuncia formal, debería obtener un parte de lesiones en Urgencias y presentar una demanda en el Juzgado de Primera Instancia, dejando en sus manos la carga de avanzar con el caso.

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An appeal to the City Council

Iniesta not only expressed his indignation towards the driver and the circumstances of the accident, but also towards the lack of proper regulation for VMPs. In his publication, he appealed directly to the mayor of Ibiza, Rafa Triguero, requesting greater police control and the implementation of stricter regulations to avoid this type of situation. “Today it was me. Tomorrow it could be our children, parents, relatives or friends,” he warned.

Automatic Translation Notice: This text has been automatically translated from Spanish. It may contain inaccuracies or misinterpretations. We appreciate your understanding and invite you to consult the original version for greater accuracy.

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