After the beginning of the musealization process of the Cementeri Vell, Old Cemetery of Ibiza, which was presented last October 30 under the slogan “The silence of memory”, the City Council of Ibiza organized for October 7 a tour to learn which great personalities rest in the city and what was their contribution. As that initiative had a high demand, the Cemeteries Department has organized a new dramatized visit on December 5, at 6 pm. There are a total of 40 places available and anyone wishing to register to participate can do so through the website
Visits to the Cementeri Vell de Ibiza
The visits are guided by Vicent Marí (Palermet) who will get into the skin of an old cemetery worker, who will accompany the group to discover some of the best known personalities that are there while admiring the typical construction of the cemeteries of the nineteenth century. Manuel Jiménez, Councillor for Cemeteries of the City Council of Eivissa, is very pleased with the success of this initiative. “The project to museumize our Cemetery was an initiative that wanted to give the value and importance that the people who rest there deserve, but the fact that people show so much interest in knowing them exceeds our expectations,” said the councilman, emphasizing that “The silence of remembrance” is only in its first phase and that it is intended to continue with the project.