The socialist group in the Consell de Ibiza has requested the withdrawal of the draft 2025 budget after denouncing more than 30 incidences that, according to them, do not comply with various regulations. The PSOE spokesman, Josep Marí Ribas Agustinet, has described the budgets as “serious irregularities”, pointing out that they include “fictitious income” and an “abuse” of nominative subsidies. The Socialists have stressed that the internal audit reports point out significant problems in the drafting of the document, including the forecast income of 2.4 million euros from the liquidation of advances of 2024, an amount that, they explain, “should not be included in the budgets of 2025”.
Criticism of personnel and grant management
Another of the PSOE’s concerns is focused on personnel expenses. Ribas has denounced that there is a “lack of provision of positions” and that there have been “significant” increases in concepts such as productivity and bonuses, without providing adequate justification. According to the spokesman, these problems reflect a “lack of control and planning” in internal management. Likewise, the socialist group has criticized the use of nominative subsidies, which amount to almost 4.8 million euros and, according to Ribas, lack the required justification and present other legal non-compliances. These items, he says, should be subject to greater control to ensure their correct use.
Fecoev, at the center of the controversy
The PSOE has also pointed to the public company Fecoev (Fairs and Congresses of Ibiza) as another critical point in the budget. According to Ribas, this entity has seen an exponential increase in funds under management, from 4.3 million in 2019 to 12.7 million expected by 2025. Of this figure, 6.6 million would go to tourism promotion. “Fecoev has become an appendix of the Consell to circumvent the civil service control,” he denounced. The audit reports, says the PSOE, warn of a “lack of detailed economic information” on the actions planned with this budget, which raises doubts about its transparency.
Requirement for reflection
The deputy spokesperson of the PSOE, Elena López, has warned that the “irregularities detected” mean that these budgets cannot be approved in their current state. Lopez has called on the councilors of the Popular Party to reflect before voting in favor of the accounts, highlighting the “responsibility and repercussions” that their support entails. The PSOE has formally requested that the government team of the Consell de Ibiza withdraw the draft budget and reformulate it in accordance with the regulations and corrections indicated by the technicians. According to the socialists, “these shortcomings not only affect the credibility of the institution, but also the confidence of citizens”.