The police tutors in Ibiza and Formentera carried out 1,072 actions during the academic year 2023-2024, representing an increase of 5% over the previous period, according to the report presented by the Directorate General of Emergencies. Although interventions within the school environment have remained unchanged, actions outside schools have increased by 18%, reflecting greater conflict in other environments.
Decrease in conflicts inside the classroom, but more problems outside the classroom
One of the most relevant data of the report is the 7% reduction in the number of interventions for conflicts between students in the classrooms of Ibiza and Formentera. However, the increase in incidents outside the school environment puts the focus on problems such as family conflicts, social risk or risky behavior in public spaces.
At the Balearic level, the number of interventions for serious bullying increased by 34 %, although the authorities emphasize that the trend of increases close to 50 % has slowed down. As for drugs and possession of substances, there has been a decrease of 11.6 % in the number of interventions in schools.
More party interventions and prevention of risk behaviors
The report also highlights the reinforcement of prevention in summer parties, one of the priorities of the Govern during the last course. In Ibiza and Formentera, workshops on alcohol consumption, drugs, knives and sexual aggressions were given to students of ESO and Bachillerato.
For the next school year, the authorities seek to consolidate these initiatives and implement new emergency prevention programs, such as storm and high wind protocols for primary and secondary school students.