The Youth Department of the City Council of Ibiza organizes “Stop, think and connect”, a course that aims to teach young people the healthy and empathetic use of the Internet. This space will be held next Thursday, February 6 from 18.30 to 19.30 hours. The course is aimed at young people between 10 and 17 years old. It will teach how to recognize harmful situations and attitudes on the network and to avoid those that can cause addictions or other health problems arising from misuse of the Internet. Registrations can be made until February 4 by sending an email to , calling 971 39 75 44 or going to C19 (Calle de Castilla, 19). The opening hours are Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Para Piensa Conéctate is a course developed by the Spanish NGO Cibervoluntarios, and is carried out within the framework of the European project SIC SPAIN 4.0 for the promotion of a safer Internet for minors.