The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has earmarked 1.02 million euros for the reform and partial rehabilitation of the IES Xarc in Santa Eulària des Riu. As reported by the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities on Friday, the execution period is eight months and the works will affect the gym, workshops and bar, as well as the circulation area of the second floor where handrails and railings will be fixed. Specifically, the Ibisec project includes the refurbishment of the bar roof (including cantilever), the old janitor’s house and the gymnasium (including the changing rooms and bathrooms). Partial repairs will also be made and the facades and exterior walls of these buildings (gymnasium-purpose room, workshops, bar and circulation area) will be painted. The interior walls of the gymnasium will be repaired and painted, in addition to refurbishing bathrooms and locker rooms, fixing the false ceiling and replacing the flooring. The interior of the janitor’s house will also be refurbished. It should be remembered that last May the Consell de Govern declared these works investment of regional interest due to the poor state of conservation of the buildings. In fact, the spaces to be recovered are currently closed because they pose a danger to students. The IES Xarc is a center built in 1990 and houses ESO, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training studies for about 500 students.