The Plaza de los Juzgados de Ibiza has become this Monday, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the epicenter of an important march in which feminist groups demonstrated under the slogan “Shame must change sides”.in the epicenter of an important march in which feminist groups demonstrated under the slogan “Shame has to change sides”. The mobilization was called by the 8M Commission, which integrates associations such as Dones Progressistes, Nybia Eivissa, Emprendada Feminista and Plataforma Pensionista Pitiüsa. In the manifesto read during the event, feminist groups have denounced that male violence is “structural violence that society has normalized”, and recalled that so far in 2024, 83 women and 6 minors have been murdered in Spain. One of the emblematic cases referenced in the manifesto was that of Gisèle Pelicot, the French woman drugged and raped by more than 50 men, a fact that exemplifies the scope of misogynist violence. The demonstrators also added that misogynist violence is also “racist and classist” through the trafficking of women for social and labor exploitation, the trivialization and promotion of sexual abuse, and the objectification of women’s bodies through pornography and advertising, or the violation of sexual and reproductive rights by hindering the right to abortion. In the context of Ibiza, they denounced the housing violence derived from touristification, which aggravates the situation of women and children. “What woman dares to run away from her abuser if the institutions do not guarantee her a roof over her head?” they questioned. The day concluded with a tribute to women who have denounced their aggressors, such as Gisèle Pelicot, and to those who fight against male violence. “We want us alive”, was the unanimous cry that resounded in the square.