Hotel occupancy in Ibiza y Formentera during 2024 has reached an average of 81.6%, according to data presented by the Hotel Business Federation of Ibiza and Formentera (Fehif). This balance represents a marginal decrease of 0.14% compared to the previous year, reflecting a stable panorama with variations depending on the area and the month. In Ibiza, average occupancy reached 82.2%, marking a slight decline of 0.49%. For its part, Formentera closed with 73.7%, showing a growth of 1.88% compared to the same period last year. The most central areas of Ibiza experienced small upturns, as in the city, where it reached 83%, while areas such as Santa Eulària, Sant Josep and Sant Antoni suffered slight declines.
October numbers
The month of October, however, stands out as a positive respite for the sector. With an average occupancy rate of 69.8% in the Pitiusas Islands, this month registered an overall increase of 3.2%, consolidating the effort to extend the tourist season. Ibiza rose to 70.3%, an increase of 2.5%, and Formentera stood at 62.6%, with a significant growth of 7% over the previous year. The areas of the city and the northern zone saw the greatest advances, reflecting that the strategies to energize the end of the season are bearing fruit. Although the overall figures show stability, these small variations underscore the need to continue adjusting tourism proposals and adapting them to the different visitor profiles.