Militants and former high-ranking officials of Gent per Formentera are behind the organization of the political protest called for this Thursday under the slogan Deim Prou! Among the points of the manifesto, there is a fierce defense of the legacy of Gent per Formentera, a party that, according to the organizers, would have allowed the Consell de Formentera to be a reference in “citizen initiatives for the protection of the territory, the environment, culture and social issues” without specifying which ones or citing the insularist formation. “We demand that a transparent, responsible and stable political governance is guaranteed. We want to show the social rejection of this way of doing politics that makes citizens angry, and impoverishes and destroys the Consell Insular de Formentera”, they conclude. This document, with some last minute corrections, has circulated through Whatsapp, with the adhesion of different associations. As reference persons behind the initiative, the names of Manolo Oya, Francesca Facccioli, Mónica Olivares, Daisee Aguilera and Verónica López appear . Of the five ringleaders, at least two of them are members of GxF, including those with active political participation. Daisee Aguilera , for example, was a former environment councilor.
Francesca Facccioli also ranked 19th on the 2019 electoral list headed by Alejandra Ferrer.

La Voz de Ibiza contacted Aguilera last week to find out details of the protest that was being organized and of which no details were yet publicly known. “I have nothing to talk to you,” was the blunt reply before cutting off communication. In April of this year, four businessmen who were not awarded the contract filed a complaint with the Guardia Civil, accusing Daisee Aguilera, ex-president of the company, of prevarication and influence peddling. Daisee Aguilera, exconsellera of Environment and owner of Whitesand Solutions, the company that signed at least seven of the winning projects of the lots of the beach bars.. In the midst of the scandal over the mega-tender under suspicion, Aguilera was left with the lot 10 of the tender for the sailing school in Illetes, awarded by the Consell awarded by the Consell de Formentera to his company Whitesand Solutions despite the irregularities in his bid. Curiously, Aguilera’s company is the only one that offers training courses for employees in Formentera, widely punctuated in the bases of the mega tender.
Francesca Facccioli is part of the Association of Neighbors of the Island of Formentera, from where she is convening the other associations. This association is chaired by Verónica López.