The City Council of Sant Josep has managed to resolve 86% of the incidents recorded through the application Green Line application during 2024.
In total, 1,338 notices were received related to waste management, street cleaning, furniture collection, maintenance of parks and gardens, as well as deficiencies on the beaches of the municipality.
According to data provided by the Department of Environment, Sustainability and Coastal Affairs, the use of the application has grown by 16% compared to 2023, when 1,154 incidents were recorded. This increase reflects a greater citizen awareness about the maintenance of the environment and the importance of reporting problems to improve public spaces.
Summer, the period with the most warnings
The months with the highest activity were those of the high season, with peaks of incidents in May, June, July and August, although occasional increases were also recorded in March and November. Most of the reports were linked to street cleaning, waste management and furniture collection, which accounted for 84% of the total.
As for the resolution of the cases, 86% of the incidents have been resolved by the Department of the Environment, while 5% are in process or under review. The remaining 7% were dismissed for being situations outside the municipal competence or for not complying with the platform’s criteria, while 2% are still pending processing.
Commitment to the improvement of the municipality
The Councilor for the Environment, Sustainability and Coast, Felicia Bocu, has highlighted the work of the council to efficiently manage citizen notices and improve the quality of the environment.
“From the City Council of Sant Josep we continue to work to respond quickly to all incidents, both those reported by Green Line and those that come through the official register,” he said.
In addition, Bocu thanked the neighbors for their involvement in the use of this tool: “Their concern for the municipality contributes to creating a more responsible community and a cleaner and more sustainable environment,” he added.
How to use Green Line
To use the application, simply download it on a mobile device and select the municipality of Sant Josep. From the app, users can report incidents with images and location, facilitating the management of the warnings by the City Council.
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