The hotels of the Pitiusas have registered an average occupancy rate of 81.6%, between the months of May and October, which implies a slight decrease of 0.14% compared to last season, according to the survey by the Hotel Business Federation of Ibiza and Formentera (Fehif) released this Friday. The average on the island of Ibiza was 82.2%, 0.49% less than the previous season, and in Formentera the occupied vacancies were 73.7%, an increase of 1.88% over the same months last year. By zones, only Ibiza has registered a slight increase of 0.17 % with 83 % of beds occupied. The rest have had slight decreases, in first place Santa Eulària with 79.2 % and a decrease of 2.8 %, followed by Sant Antoni with an average occupancy of 82.39 % and a decrease of 0.95 %. In third place is the municipality of Sant Josep with an occupancy rate of 81.9% and a decrease of 0.52% and, in fourth place, the north of the island, with 83.8% and a slight decrease of 0.28%. As for the month of October, occupancy in the Pitiusas was 69.8 %, which implies an increase of 3.2 % with respect to the same month of last year. In Ibiza occupancy was 70.3 %, 2.5 % more, and in Formentera, 62.6 %, with an increase of 7 %. By zones, Ibiza has registered an occupancy rate of 69.1 % and an increase of 7.7 %; the municipality of Sant Josep has reached 69.9 % with a slight increase of 0.9 %, and the zone of Sant Antoni and bay has registered 70.1 %, which means a decrease of 3.2 %. The north zone has had 73.8 % of the places occupied, which implies an increase of 3.3 %, and finally, Santa Eulària has registered 71 % of occupation, 2.6 % more than in October 2023.