The Plenary of the City Council of Ibiza has approved this Thursday the modification of the ordinance of occupation of public roads, which introduces a bonus of up to 20% in rates for establishments that remain open at least nine months a year. On the other hand, businesses that only operate during the high season will see the same percentage increase in their rates. In addition, the municipal budget for 2025 has been given the green light, which reaches 91.3 million euros, with an increase of 2.44 % compared to 2024 and a significant investment in cleaning, social welfare and sports.
Incentives for businesses open all year round
The councilman of Commerce and Markets, Àlex Minchiotti, explained that the modification seeks to update a regulation that had been unchanged for eight years and that until now was divided into eight different ordinances. The new regulation unifies rates and concepts, simplifying the procedures for taxpayers. The main new feature is the 20% discount on the public road occupation tax for businesses that operate at least nine months a year, with the aim of extending the commercial season in some areas. On the other hand, establishments that only open during the tourist season will see their rates increased by the same percentage.
Budget 2025: more cleanliness, sports and culture
On the other hand, the budget approved for 2025 allocates 8 million euros to cleaning and contemplates a second consecutive IBI reduction. Social welfare items are also increased by almost 14 % and key areas such as the Music Board (1.1 million, +4.13 %), sports(3.7 million, +12.54 %) and the Museum of Contemporary Art(525,000 euros, +5.42 %) are reinforced. Among the main investments planned, financed with contributions from other administrations, the following stand out:
- Es Gorg low demand center
- Remodeling of Santa Maria Street
- Installation of photovoltaic panels
- New playing field in Es Putxet
- Ses Figueretes Sports Center
- Rehabilitation of the tennis courts at Can Misses
- Reform of Sa Peixeteria and Mercat Vell
- Remodeling of Camí des Calvari
In addition, the Plenary has finally approved the Staffing Plan and the Relación de Puestos de Trabajo (RPT), rejecting an allegation presented by the Municipal Group PSOE.
Fines of up to 30,000 euros for irregular advertising
Another important measure was the initial approval of the modification of the ordinance regulating outdoor advertising. With this reform, penalties for non-compliance are drastically increased, from a maximum of 600 euros to 6,000 euros for serious offenses and up to 30,000 euros for very serious offenses. Councilman Ruben Sousa explained that the measure seeks to reduce visual pollution in the city, minimize paper advertising to reduce environmental impact and improve the urban image, especially in buildings under construction. “Ibiza is a World Heritage Site and its streets cannot be a theme park. We want the regulations to be rigorously enforced to put an end to the aesthetic chaos in the municipality,” said Sousa. The ordinance modifies articles 33 and 34, which regulate audiovisual and digital advertising, and adds a new chapter VI, which establishes rules for advertising in buildings under construction.