Julia Cano Cobos left us at the age of 94, but she will always be in our memory. In 1953 in Madrid she obtained the title of National Teacher of Physical Education and Sports, in what was the first promotion in Spain of these “new” studies. In 1954 she began to work at the Santa Maria Institute, at that time located in Dalt Vila. He also taught at the schools La Consolación, sa Graduada and in several towns on the island of Ibiza, Sant Antoni, Sant Josep, Jesús, Santa Gertrudis, Santa Eulària and Formentera. From 1970 to 1984 he directed the Youth Section of the Red Cross of Ibiza, promoting the female section and carrying out a multitude of initiatives in Epiphany and Carnival for our young people. Her last sporting activity was at the Institut Xarc in Santa Eulària des Riu. Julia was a pioneer as an instructor of gymnastics in schools and institutes, the promoter of women’s sports on the island of Ibiza, at a time when it was frowned upon for women to practice sports and when even in some cases were prohibited certain clothing such as shorts or others where it was “taught too much”. Julia was not only a monitor and trainer or instructor (as it was called before), she was more than this, player, delegate of Federations of the Balearic Islands, promoter creating teams and new clubs of volleyball, basketball, ballet and gymnastics in particular. Encouraging our first sportswomen to go to Mallorca to compete in championships, claiming rights, they did not take us into account at all (this was called centralism), and I do not want to tell you about the island of Formentera (they suffered from double centralism) where there was absolutely nothing sporting, except for the men’s soccer team. By the way, Julia also collaborated in schools of the smallest of the Pitiusas and carried out some exhibitions. Now that I speak of Formentera, I remember that as president of the first Consell d’Eivissa, then chaired by Cosme Vidal, Julia was the first person to demand a helicopter for the island of Formentera, for when they had to move sick people to Ibiza and the boats did not leave because of bad weather (solidarity, always thinking of others). Throughout her life she has received many tributes, recognitions and distinctions. Among others, in the late 90’s she was recognized for her work by the Consell d’Eivissa, from the Ajuntament d’Eivissa she was awarded and later she received the Gold Medal of the City of Eivissa. Also many clubs and associations showed her their affection and gratitude for the great work done for over 50 years. For example, the one made by the Club J.A.S.A. when the Club de Gimnasia Rítmica J.A.S.A. (now Portmany) was created with the presence of none other than the national Rhythmic Gymnastics coach, Rosa Menor (Alicante). In 2015 also returned to receive another award from the Consell d’Eivissa, in this case it was the Premi al Mèrit Ciutadà. All very well deserved recognitions, but undoubtedly the most important was in 1999 when she obtained the highest Balearic sports distinction, the Cornelius Atticus award (then she was the first Ibizan woman to receive it and the second in the Balearic Islands). Today Julia leaves us, but she will remain in our hearts, we will always remember her.
Julia was a true institution of sport throughout Ibiza, where dozens, hundreds, thousands of girls, teenagers and women from all over the island of Ibiza have passed through. Julia not only gave Physical Education, she also listened, advised and influenced the problems in this difficult age. Julia, educator, friend, mother, so demonstrated throughout her life dedicated to sport. Julia Cano Cobos was a benchmark of women’s sport, with a before and after, therefore through these lines, I claim to the Consell d’Eivissa to establish an annual award aimed at female sports examples, the “Premi Julia Cano”. So long Julia!!!