A woman over 80 years old was assaulted and assaulted in her farmhouse in Santa Gertrudis, Ibiza, in the early hours of Thursday to Friday. Two hooded men broke into the house and, after demanding the money she had at home -about 400 euros-, beat her before fleeing. The victim had to be taken to Can Misses Hospital, where she is recovering from her injuries.
Cadena Ser has advanced that the Guardia Civil has opened an investigation to identify the perpetrators of this brutal robbery with violence, which adds to a series of assaults in the area in recent months. This increase in crime has led the residents of Santa Gertrudis to create a citizen watch group, with more than 180 members, who share information about suspicious vehicles and alert the authorities.
A wave of robberies in Santa Gertrudis
The incident takes place in a context of growing insecurity in the municipality. A few months ago, another elderly couple living in the vicinity of the house of the last victim was also assaulted and beaten by thieves who stole money and jewelry.
The wave of robberies has generated great concern among neighbors, who have opted to reinforce surveillance on their own. Through the WhatsApp group, residents share license plates and images of suspicious cars, information that is subsequently provided to the Civil Guard for verification.
Ongoing research
Civil Guard sources, quoted by Cadena SER, have confirmed that the investigation is still open and that security images and testimonies are being analyzed to find those responsible for the robbery.
The authorities have recommended extreme caution and have reinforced the presence of patrols in the area, although neighbors are calling for more measures to curb this wave of assaults.