Political reactions to Philip IV’s speech to all tastes

Felipe VI calls for consensus and the common good in his Christmas speech
Mensaje de Navidad de Su Majestad el Rey 2024 POLITICA CASA DE S.M. EL REY

In his eleventh Christmas message, King Felipe VI has urged the political class to meet the “demand for serenity” of the citizens, advocating for dialogue and consensus as pillars to face the challenges of Spain. From the Royal Palace in Madrid, the monarch stressed the importance of preserving the spirit of harmony that inspired the 1978 Constitution, emphasizing that “the common good must prevail over political differences”.

A speech focused on unity and social challenges

The King vindicated the “coexistence pact” as a framework for strengthening institutions and recovering public confidence. “Consensus on the essentials must always guide the public sphere,” he said, emphasizing that the diversity of opinions, legitimate in democracy, must not erode the shared space that unites Spaniards. Among the issues highlighted, the monarch mentioned two priority social concerns: immigration and access to housing. Regarding immigration, he advocated an adequate management that avoids tensions and guarantees social cohesion, while he stressed the need for consensual solutions to facilitate access to housing, especially for young people and vulnerable sectors.

Divided political reactions

Felipe VI’s message has generated varied reactions across the political spectrum:

  • Supporters: From the PSOE, the message of serenity of the King was valued, highlighting consensus as a tool to guarantee the welfare of citizens. Along the same lines, leaders of the Popular Party, such as Alberto Núñez Feijóo, highlighted the monarch’s recognition of the solidarity of the Spanish people and his defense of the Constitution.
  • Criticisms: Left-wing sectors such as Podemos and Sumar branded the speech as “right-wing” and “far from the real problems”. They criticized the lack of mention of issues such as gender violence or the climate crisis, and Sumar criticized the fact that immigration was highlighted as a problem instead of addressing structural causes.

A Tribute to Solidarity in the Face of the DANA

The King closed his message by recalling the tragedy of the DANA that severely affected the east and south of Spain in October, with a tribute to the more than 220 dead and to the recovery efforts of those affected. He valued the solidarity of the Spanish people as an example of unity in times of crisis.

A message of hope

Felipe VI concluded by appealing to the future and the potential of the country, especially in young people, whom he described as “the basis of hope” for Spain. “The memory of the road travelled, confidence in the present and hope in the future are inescapable for our common good,” he said, wishing a Merry Christmas in all the co-official languages.

Public Opinion and Civil Society

The speech also generated divided opinions among citizens. While some sectors appreciated the conciliatory tone, others expressed discontent on social networks, demanding greater emphasis on immediate social problems such as access to housing and youth unemployment.

International Perspective

The monarch’s message was reviewed by the international media, which highlighted his call for stability in a European context full of uncertainties.

Automatic Translation Notice: This text has been automatically translated from Spanish. It may contain inaccuracies or misinterpretations. We appreciate your understanding and invite you to consult the original version for greater accuracy.

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