Sa Pedrera sports center to double its capacity

The City Council awards the project of reform and installation of new bleachers, with an investment of 1,665,514.43 euros, has a completion period of five months.
El pabellón de Sa Pedrera, ubicado en el Complejo Deportivo de Can Coix.

The City Council of Sant Antoni has awarded the project of reform and adaptation of the Sa Pedrera pavilion, located in the Can Coix Sports Complex, which includes the installation of new bleachers.

The total investment of the project amounts to 1,665,514.43 euros, of which 849,000 euros are subsidized by the Consell de Ibiza. The execution period of the works will be five months. The planned actions include the installation of four motorized telescopic bleachers, two on the east side and two on the west side of the pavilion, with the aim of increasing the capacity for certain sporting events. These bleachers will be retractable,allowing them to be folded and stored without interfering with daily sports activities. In addition, a row of storable mobile bleachers will be installed on the north side. A Television Unit (TU) will also be installed for dynamic advertising, a public address system and various adaptations to comply with current regulations and optimize the space for the new seating capacity. With these extensions, the capacity of the sports center will increase by 1,046 seats, reaching a total capacity of 2,000 seats. In order to install the mobile bleachers, 640 m2 of pavement will have to be reinforced.

The details

In addition, a detachable TV Unit (TVU) will be installed on the west, south and east sides of the central basketball court. This unit will allow the adaptation of the pavilion to the regulations of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB) and will be synchronized with the existing video scoreboards. The project also includes other adaptations, such as the improvement of the public address system, the creation of a press room and a specific space for the cameraman, all aligned with the requirements of the FEB. The enlargement of the stands responds to a request from the Club Báquet Sant Antoni, in order to adapt to the federative regulations. The improvement will also benefit other sports competitions in the municipality. These extensions have generated the need to adapt the facilities in several aspects, such as ventilation, fire systems, electricity and lighting, in addition to increasing the number of places reserved for people with reduced mobility, increasing the number of toilets and adding a solar thermal energy system.

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