Sa Unió does not want Llorenç Córdoba in the seat of the Consell de Formentera. This is clear from the decree of presidency signed on January 15 by President Óscar Portas in which revokes in turn the one signed by Cordoba himself, then president, on December 27 minutes before the motion of censure, which assigned an office on the second floor of the headquarters of the Consell de Formentera to assign him a new office in a satellite building on the outskirts of Sant Francesc.
By virtue of his status as an autonomic deputy and the Organic Regulations, Llorenç Córdoba has the right to an office“in the seat of the Consell and to use the services and personnel of the Consell for the exercise of his representative functions”. Based on point 3 of Article 106 of the aforementioned Regulations, Cordoba was assigned “an office that was empty at the headquarters of the Consell”. This location has not been to the liking of the new government of Sa Unió and, for this reason, Portas has decided to revoke the decree and assign him a new location. It is an office in the building of the old medical center, where the Justice of the Peace Court is located and the Consell d’Entitats meets, in the vicinity of the Civil Guard barracks . The official reason given by Portas is that the empty office on the second floor of the headquarters of the Consell de Formentera “is not at all suitable” since “it is on the second floor, in a building without an elevator”. To justify the decision, the president argues that the deputy must have “a space with direct access from the street, on the first floor, as have had all the deputies in recent legislatures.
Failure to comply with regulations: the headquarters
It is clear that the Portas decree does not comply with the regulations to the extent that the office of the deputy must be located “at the headquarters” of the Consell de Formentera and that the office of the deputy must be located “at the headquarters” of the Consell de Formentera. There is only one headquarters.
Secretary’s endorsement
In spite of this, the secretary, Ángel Custodio Navarro, certifies the “legal conformity of the measure”. The version expressed by Cordoba to La Voz de Ibiza is radically different from Portas’ argument. “They don’t want me around so I can’t have direct information of what they do and undo. The regulations say that you have to be at the headquarters, the office is empty and I don’t need an office on the first floor. I need a place to work,” said the former president and non-attached councilor.
Human and technical resources
“I have the right to use the services and staff of the Consell and from the new location it is more difficult for me to do so.”“It is retaliation, an act of bad faith that demonstrates a desire for revenge,” concludes Cordoba. The location of the office is not the only element of controversy between the new minority government of Sa Unió and its former leader and head of list.
Not summoned to the budget plenary session
Thus, in a statement released Monday, Cordoba recounted all sorts of The government has been a strong obstacle to his work as councilor of the opposition in the face of today’s budget plenary session.
The most serious and significant is that the non-attached councilor was not summoned to the plenary. “I found out because a journalist called me to ask me what would be the sense of the vote,” he told La Voz de Ibiza. Once the complaint was filed for this outrage, the Consell de Formentera reconvened the plenary yesterday, in this case with the condition of extraordinary and urgent. And yesterday Cordoba received the documentation. Previously, neither had been convened to the Board of Spokesmen. Not surprisingly, he does not have that status as a non-attached councilor.

Support from PSOE and GxF
In view of the fact that Sa Unió has not tried to guarantee the vote in favor of Cordoba to move forward with the budget, Cordoba is clear that the accounts will go ahead thanks to the abstention of PSOE and GxF.
“A pact between the parties of the right and the left, not very logical and usual. Suspiciously similar to the pact made by the parties to cover up the irregularities carried out in the Consell in recent years and the awarding of kiosks more recently.” “These events evidence a partisan and emotional use of power by the Partido Popular and Compromís, who seem to be more focused on their personal quarrels than working for the welfare of Formentera and its inhabitants. Excluding an island councilor from decision-making spaces and hindering his work not only goes against democratic principles, but also directly harms the interests of the island,” Cordoba’s statement said. “I reiterate my commitment to Formentera and all its citizens. Despite the obstacles and maneuvers that seek to limit my ability to act, I will continue to work with firmness and determination to defend the interests of our island and ensure that democratic values prevail in the Consell Insular,” he concludes.