The Government maintains the exclusion of the nautical sector of Ibiza and Formentera

The Department of the Sea and Water Cycle published a resolution in the BOIB modifying the composition of the Bureau, although once again the Nautical Association of Ibiza and Formentera has been left out.
La presidenta del Govern, Marga Prohens, durante la presentación de la Mesa Náutica.

In spite of the claims of the nautical employers of Ibiza and Formentera, integrated in Pimeefthe Government has once again excluded the entity from the Nautical Sector Tableexposing once again his contempt and centralist stance. In the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands (BOIB) has been published Thursday a resolution of the Ministry of the Sea and Water Cycle, in charge of Juan Manuel Lafuente, which amends the composition of the Bureau to allow the incorporation of new members. “Several applications and appeals have been received to join as new members of this body, applications that are positively assessed given its transversality and, therefore, it is considered appropriate their inclusion as members of the Nautical Table, in attention to the issues to be addressed in the same and the points of view that these new members can contribute to enrich the discussions,” details in the BOIB.

However, a key player in the nautical sector has been excluded again inexplicably by the Govern: the Nautical Association of Ibiza and Formentera, integrated in Pimeef, with 55 associated companies.I was very surprised to see that those of Mallorca and Menorca have a chair and we do not have it when we are the place where there is more nautical activity. Clearly it is a lack of respect for our islands not to be represented at this table. It is indisputable,” said the president of the employers, Ramon Van der Hooft, La Voz de Ibiza. The general director of Ports and Maritime Transport, Antoni Mercanthad argued at the time in response to the consultation of La Voz de Ibiza that the “nautical companies in Ibiza or Formentera are already represented within FANMEDwhich is the Federation of Marine Industries for Sustainable Development, which is in the Nautical Bureau. If we were to include all associations that are not represented within federations or other associations, the table would be infinite, because there are countless associations. Concretely that of Ibiza and Formentera are represented by FANMED”.

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The new members

The resolution of the BOIB incorporates to the Table to: a representative of CAEB; a representative of PIME Baleares; a representative of CCOO; a representative of UGT; a representative of the conservationist associations; a representative of the Official College of Naval Engineers; a representative of the associations of boats without motor (Sailing and Canoeing).


This forum formed by the president of the Government, Marga Prohens, aims to“coordinate and monitor actions to ensure sustainable development of the marine industry in the Islands. In addition to announcing that the Balearic Islands will review the decree regulating the rental of boats on the islands, in order to combat the illegal supply of boat rentals and rentals without qualifications necessary to improve safety, Prohens has emphasized that this space for discussion and consensus is a “historical” claim of the sector, which claimed this role and space for dialogue with the administration.

This is how the Nautical Table was formed

  • President: Minister responsible for nautical affairs
  • Vice-president: Director General responsible for nautical affairs


  • Ports IB Manager
  • Representative of the competent regional ministry of coasts
  • Representative of the competent Regional Ministry for Water Resources
  • Representative of the competent regional ministry for the natural environment.
  • Representative of the competent regional ministry for fisheries matters
  • Representative of the island councils of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera.
  • Representative of the Dirección General de la Marina Mercante (Directorate General of the Merchant Marine)
  • Representative of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands
  • Representative of FANMED, Federación de Asociaciones y Actividades Náuticas para Temas Ambientales (Federation of Nautical Associations and Activities for Environmental Issues)
  • Representative of ANADE, Association of Nautical and Sports Facilities of the Balearic Islands.
  • Representative of ACNB, Association of Yacht Clubs of the Balearic Islands.
  • Representative of APEAM, Association of Employers of Maritime Activities Employers of the Balearic Islands.
  • Representative of ASNEM, Menorcan Association of Nautical Companies.
  • Representative of APIB, Asociación Pescadores Islas Baleares (Balearic Islands Fishing Association)
  • BMC representative, Balearic Marin Cluster
  • Representative of PDBA, Associated Marinas of the Balearic Islands
  • Representative of ADN, Asociación de Navegantes del Mediterráneo (Association of Mediterranean Navigators)
  • Representative of AENIB, Association of Marine Industries of the Balearic Islands.
  • Representative of Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Nauticopesquera
  • Representative of Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional El Embate
  • Representative of the Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Centro del Mar, Menorca.
  • Representative of IMEDEA, Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados (Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies)
  • Representative of SOCIB, Coastal Observation and Forecasting System of the Balearic Islands.
  • Representative of INO, Instituto Nacional de Oceanografía (National Institute of Oceanography)
  • Representative of AEMET, Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (State Meteorological Agency).
  • Two representatives of the most representative trade union organizations in the Balearic Islands designated by the interested entities, in proportion and weighting to their representativeness.
  • Two representatives of the most representative business organizations in the Balearic Islands, appointed by the interested entities, in proportion and weighting to their representativeness.
  • A representative of the non-motorized craft sports federations.
  • A representative of the College of Naval Engineers of the Balearic Islands.
  • A representative of the conservationist organizations present in the Balearic Islands.
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