The King is naked: the untold story of the photos of the torrid encounter between Juan Carlos I and his mistress on the ‘Fortuna’.

The then monarch was photographed naked with Marta Gaya in the bathtub of the royal boat after officially bidding farewell to the summer at the classic Marivent dinner in September 1999.
El rey Juan Carlos I en la bañera del antiguo 'Fortuna'
Juan Carlos I Rey de España durante unas vacaciones de verano en Mallorca.

The journalists Antonio Montero and Marisa Martín Blázquez revealed last week to be in possession of an unpublished and very compromising material of Juan Carlos I in the program of Ana Rosa Quintana TardeaAR, of Telecinco. According to them, the report could see the light of day very soon. The images to which the couple of journalists referred correspond to a torrid escapade of the King in the company of his Mallorcan lover, Marta Gayá, in September 1999.

Naked King ‘hunted’ from a cliff

The scene took place on board the old Fortuna, a ship owned by Patrimonio del Estado, on Sunday, September 5th of the aforementioned year. The images were taken from a cliff on the north coast of Menorca near the village of Fornells, in the municipality of es Mercadal, while the yacht was anchored very close to the coast in an inaccessible place and in theory alien to prying eyes that could disturb the encounter. The couple’s getaway began on Saturday. Hours after the traditional official dinner celebrated every year by the monarch and his family together with the civil society of the Balearic Islands at the Marivent Palace, Juan Carlos I embarked with his lover on the Fortuna from Porto Pi to Menorca.

King Juan Carlos I on the deck of the former 'Fortuna'.
King Juan Carlos I on the deck of the former ‘Fortuna’ sailing in the bay of Palma (Gtres).

Discreet escape with almost no security from the king

With a small security crew and without giving notice to the island’s security forces to avoid leaks, the ship anchored in the port of Fornells on Saturday night. He did so in a discreet manner. It was positioned among the rest of the boats anchored in the bay and without any additional security measures to avoid attracting attention.

The couple stayed inside the boat at all times. They did not go ashore so as not to arouse the curiosity of locals and tourists of the picturesque fishing village, an obligatory stop for any visitor to the island of Menorca and famous for its restaurants specialized in serving the typical and appreciated lobster stew.

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The King’s menu: a stew

According to Montero and Marín Blázquez, one of the town’s restaurants brought them a lobster stew on board. After spending the night at anchor, on Sunday morning the Fortuna made landfall in a secluded cove on the rugged north coast of Menorca. A dinghy protected the Fortuna from prying eyes from the sea and a handful of escorts were stationed at the top of the cliff to ensure that there was no risk of being hunted. Something they did not achieve in view of the unpublished images.

Torrid moment of the King and his mistress

It was at that moment when a paparazzi managed to immortalize the torrid moment lived between Juan Carlos I and his lover. Stationed at a great distance and equipped with a powerful telephoto lens, he captured the then King of Spain coming out of the sea naked after having taken a refreshing dip after the torrid encounter they had just experienced. While the king was bathing, Marta Gaya was sitting in the Fortuna’ s bathtub protected by a cap with a visor. The immortalized sequence shows the moment in which the king climbs naked up the stern ladder of the yacht.

Upon entering the ship, he covers himself with a white bathrobe.

Both are enjoying a bottle of cava as a couple of lovers who are enjoying a Sunday day at sea in a paradisiacal environment. The Fortuna set course for Mallorca on Sunday afternoon without anyone noticing their presence.

The King: naked and unprotected

The report, “of good quality” in the words of the paparazzi Antonio Montero, has never been published, something that could happen in the near future after the revelations made on Ana Rosa Quintana’s program and after the media protection that the monarch had enjoyed during his reign has fallen. Juan Carlos, involved in a multitude of scandals, does not have the protection of the state apparatus inherent to his condition of Head of State and highest authority of the country.

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One of the last trips on the ‘Fortuna’.

This crossing was one of the last of the old Fortuna. A few decades earlier, in 1988, the yacht was involved in an embarrassing incident when it was left adrift on its way to Menorca with Prince Charles and Prince Philip on board. The episode prompted Juan Carlos I to start thinking about replacing the second unit christened Fortuna with a new vessel. The Fortuna II in which he starred in the torrid encounter was a gift from King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. A year earlier the king was photographed sunbathing naked on its deck in 1998. Likewise, this is the boat in which ETA had him in its sights on several occasions in Porto Pi.

The new ‘Fortuna’, a gift from the Balearic Islands

A year after the images with Marta Gaya, the King premiered the Fortuna III, a gift from the Balearic Government and a score of Balearic businessmen who thought it was a good way to promote the islands, guaranteeing the summer presence of the Royal Family for life. Those were other times, since the Royal House had not begun to accumulate scandals and nothing was known about the wanderings of the monarch, his estate or the Noos case, starring his then son-in-law Iñaki Urdangarin. In 2013, he renounced its use and Patrimonio del Estado returned it to the foundation created for this purpose and that ended up selling it at a bargain price.

Automatic Translation Notice: This text has been automatically translated from Spanish. It may contain inaccuracies or misinterpretations. We appreciate your understanding and invite you to consult the original version for greater accuracy.

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