Unidas Podemos-Izquierda Unida has presented an amendment to the regional budget of the Balearic Balearic Government to ensure that all positions of ambulance technicians of the public company Gestión Sanitaria y Asistenciales de las Islas Baleares (GSAIB) are considered difficult to cover. According to the conseller Òscar Rodríguez Aller, this situation represents a “clear discrimination between workers of the same company, with the same qualifications and facing the same job challenges.
Currently, about 40 scheduled service technicians in the Pitiusas Islands receive about 2,300 euros less per year than their emergency colleagues, despite performing essential functions for the health system. The coalition’s petition seeks to equalize the labor rights of programmed technicians with those of emergency technicians, as demanded by workers in a recent protest.
Impact on budgets and professional recognition
The hard-to-cover bonus, implemented to mitigate the lack of health personnel in areas with high turnover and recruitment problems, is not applied to all positions within GSAIB, generating discontent among those affected.. Rodríguez Aller subraya que “es imprescindible que se valore por igual a todos los técnicos, independientemente de su tipo de servicio”.
The amendment presented will be a key issue in the budget discussion, and the coalition hopes that the Government of Marga Prohens “comes to its senses” and meets this demand which, according to Rodríguez Aller, is not only fair, but also necessary to ensure equitable treatment in the health sector.