Vicent Andrés Estellés has been the most outstanding poet of the Valencian Community since Ausiàs March. The Theater Group of the Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs has decided to commemorate the centenary of the birth of the Valencian poet with the organization of a dramatized recital, under the direction of Vicent Tur and with musical accompaniment by Albert Oliva. In addition, later there will be an open mic session, in which anyone who wants to recite a poem or more of Estellés. Participate in the recital Teresa Navarro, Imma Puerto, Eva Tur Antonio, Neus Cardona, Montserrat Montés, Vicent Tur and Magda Wauquier, plus people who want to add spontaneously. The event has the support of the Institute of Ibizan Studies, STEI Intersindical and the Ibiza Theater, which has lent its hall disinterestedly. The evening will be next Thursday, November 28, at 8 pm at the Teatro Ibiza. At the end, there will be a small snack offered by the organizers, who want that in addition to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Estellés, the event can serve to support the cultural institutions of the Valencian Country in such difficult times.