Transport workers describe as “abusive” the minimums set by the Consell

The Consell de Ibiza establishes that school transport and tourist transfers will be maintained at 100%.
Transporte público en Ibiza.
La resolución obliga a hacer modificaciones en los pliegos de para renovar el servicio, que el Consell de Ibiza sacó a licitación el pasado octubre.

From 00 am this Monday, the strike has begun in the transport of passengers by road in Ibiza, which will affect both regular and discretionary bus transport. The Consell de Ibiza has defined a series of minimum services to ensure mobility, especially on routes to the airport and school transfers. As it had been advanced, for the lines with origin or destination at the airport, it has been established that 75% of the expeditions must be kept active. On the other regular transport routes, 60% of the services will be guaranteed. As for school transport, the Consell has decreed that 100% of the transfers will be carried out normally, thus ensuring the access of students to their educational centers. In the discretional transport, the services that were already pre-contracted for transfers between tourist establishments, ports and airports will also maintain 100% of their operability.

In this context, the transport sector has qualified as “abusive and violating the constitutional right to strike” the established minimums, as reported by Radio Ibiza. In addition, the coordinator of Road Transport of Comisiones Obreras in the Balearic Islands, Chema Martin, has advanced that they will challenge this decision of the Consell and announces six 24-hour strikes for the next two months: November 11, 28 and 29 and December 5, 9 and 23. In case of not reaching an agreement, from that date the unions anticipate that the strike “will be indefinite“.

The claim

The strike call by CCOO and UGT, which has been supported by the majority of the rest of the unions, demands the application of age-reducing coefficients for access to retirement in the sector for activities that pose a certain risk. This is a historical demand that the unions began to put on the table as early as 2004 and which has been the reason, since then, for different mobilizations, although this is the first time that a general strike has been called. Tomorrow’s mobilization, during which a concentration is planned in front of the Government Delegation in Madrid, will be the first day of strike of the seven called and which will continue on November 11, 28 and 29; December 5 and 9; and, from the 23rd of that month, it could become indefinite. The deputy secretary general of the Federation of Services, Mobility and Consumer Affairs (FeSMC) of UGT, Pedro Aller, explained this week that, after the unions lowered their approach to the minimums they considered essential, the employers of freight transport have accepted it, but not those of passengers. The agreement includes the commitment to implement preventive measures in the companies and contemplates the possibility of adjusting costs to facilitate the necessary contributions in the freight sector and apply the reduction coefficients. The employers’ organizations of passengers who sit at the negotiating table -Confebus, Atuc, Anetra and Direbús, in addition to the crane company Anagrual-, “are hiding behind a cost issue”, which the unions do not see “anywhere”, explained Aller. The general secretary of the Road and Logistics sector of the Federation of Citizen Services of CCOO (FSC-CCOO), Francisco José Vegas, told EFE that, until the time of the start of the strike,“there is always the option of calling it off, but the conditions do not really exist“. Union sources consulted this Sunday explain that there has been, at least for the moment, no news in this regard. For the unions, the employers “have taken a swerve” and have left the table, despite the fact that “there were sufficient grounds to be able to reach an agreement”, something to which they are still open as long as it adheres to “the same terms that have been made with the goods”.

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