As reported by the Consistory in a statement, the premises that remain open at least nine months a year will see their rate of occupation of public roads reduced by up to 20 percent. The plenary to be held next Thursday will approve an amendment to the Ordinance regulating the occupation of public roads and privately owned areas for public use in order to update it to the current situation and reality of the municipality after more than eight years without being modified. On the one hand, there is a significant administrative simplification as it is unified in a single ordinance rules collected so far in eight different ordinances. There is also a reunification of concepts and rates, with the aim of facilitating the taxpayer’s task. On the other hand, and with the aim of rewarding and promoting the deseasonalization in some areas of the municipality, those establishments that remain open at least nine months a year will see their rate for occupation of public roads reduced by up to 20 percent, while those that open only during the seasonal months will see it increased by 20 percent. On the other hand, work will continue on the beautification of the city, incorporating a rule that prohibits the stacking of tables and chairs during the closing of the establishment in order to facilitate the proper cleaning and sweeping of the streets. The councilor of commerce and markets of the City Council of Ibiza, Alex Minchotti, said that “with this measure we seek to help establishments that contribute to keeping our neighborhoods alive. In some areas of our municipality, commercial and restaurant activity practically disappears outside the high season months and if we want to be a lively city we need to help these establishments to stay open as long as possible”.