A 29-year-old Colombian man was stabbed to death on Saturday afternoon in a hairdresser’s shop in Calle del Mar, in the heart of the city center of Sant Antoni. Authorities are investigating the incident, which could be related to a settling of scores.
Attack in the heart of the city
The violent episode occurred while the victim was inside the salon on the afternoon of Saturday, January 18.
According to the first testimonies, two young men entered the establishment and, without saying a word, one of them stabbed him in the abdomen. After the assault, the two men quickly fled the scene.
Victim refused initial assistance
Despite the seriousness of the injury, the young man refused at first to receive police assistance and decided to move on his own to the health center of Sant Antoni, as reported by Radio Ibiza. There, due to the seriousness of the wound, he was referred to Can Misses Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery.
His condition is reserved and is pending medical evolution.
Ongoing research
The Guardia Civil, with the support of the National Police, has initiated an operation to locate those responsible.. Aunque aún no se han efectuado detenciones, se trabaja con la hipótesis de un posible ajuste de cuentas como motivo del ataque.