The spokeswoman of the Vox group in the Balearic Parliament, Manuela Cañadas, has accused the PP of “making an unnecessary comedy” and has assured “not to have any problem in going to early elections“.
Cañadas has pronounced this way, this Monday, in a press conference, in which he has assured that in Vox they are“stupefied” before the“hasty and threatening” words of the ‘popular’ after the meeting held by the president of the PP of the Balearic Islands and the Government, Marga Prohens, with the municipal representatives of the party in the Islands, after Vox recently decided to break the negotiations of the autonomic budgets for 2025. In this sense, the parliamentary spokeswoman of Vox has recalled that the PP“governs alone by his decision “, since his group “only supported him in the investiture”, despite the fact that it has the support of 62.000 voters, of whom the ‘popular’, he lamented, “seem to have forgotten”, when “they seek support from the left”, parties that “are the ones who have to oppose the Government” although “it seems that they only do it to Vox, which is the most constitutionalist, real and common sense party”, compared to a Socialist Party that “governs with coup plotters and terrorists” and a MÉS per Mallorca “that is dedicated to give lessons to others when in the lists of the European elections goes with Bildu”. Likewise, and before the possibility that the PP decides to call early elections, Cañadas has assured that in Vox they are “willing to go to early elections, there is no problem” because “they are not afraid of anything or anyone” and “the affiliates, the bases and the positions are prepared for a possible campaign”. However, he has assured that the councilors of Vox and PP agree on the request to “break relations and do each one the policies that have come to do with their votes”. In fact, he has insisted that “the PP is doing an unnecessary comedy” since “you can not say I will call early elections, threatening, because you do not amedantras” a party like Vox, that “if” in a hypothetical next legislature “gets one more deputy would not be so benevolent.” For “although they say otherwise, what the PP has done has been to fulfill the promises that were in their program, of those that were in the Vox program, they have barely fulfilled three percent”. Finally, in relation to the budget negotiations, Vox is now willing to “sit down if the PP wants to dialogue and fight for the interests, rights and freedoms of all citizens”, unlike the PP, which, in the opinion of Cañadas, “it seems that the CBO and the Catalan lobbies dictate the agenda”.“We are absolutely willing to sit down, whenever they want, we attend all the necessary meetings,” he stressed. However, asked if they have maintained contacts or have already been summoned to any meeting, the parliamentary spokeswoman of Vox has assured that “everything this formation does is discreet”, so she has preferred to keep it to herself and say it already this Tuesday. A Tuesday in which, in addition, the opinion of the bill to repeal the law of memory and democratic recognition of the Balearic Islands is debated and voted. “If they vote no to repeal the law, as they did in Castilla y León, it will be the PP who will have to explain it,” said Cañadas, because“Vox will be faithful to its ideology, its project and its voters” and “has not come to politics to warm armchairs, nor to make the legislature easy”.