Where is the 15-year-old girl who disappeared six months ago in Ibiza? The networks draw her trail

Daniela P. S., a 15 year old minor, was last seen on June 23rd in Santa Eulària. Several testimonies place her with her biological mother after having run away from the center for minors where she was under the guardianship of the Consell de Ibiza. Her disappearance was reported by the National Center for Missing Persons six months later, but so far the reason for the delay has not been clarified.
18/12/2024 Cartel de la desaparición de una menor de 15 años en Ibiza. SOCIEDAD CNDES

On December 18, 2024, the National Center for Missing Persons publicly reported the disappearance of Daniela P. S., a 15-year-old minor who was officially last seen on June 23 in Santa Eulària, Ibiza. According to official data, Daniela is 1.60 meters tall, weighs 50 kilos and has black hair and eyes. Her whereabouts remain officially a mystery, although several clues point to her being with her biological mother in good condition after she ran away from the juvenile center where she would have been.

So far, the only information confirmed by official sources is her disappearance, the physical data of the minor and the channels enabled to provide information about her. The six-month delay in making this disappearance public generates numerous doubts that the responsible institutions have not been able to resolve.

The delay in the alert: an unresolved mystery

Why was Daniela’s case not reported immediately after her disappearance? This is the main question mark, along with her whereabouts. Neither the National Center for Missing Persons nor other authorities have offered explanations in response to questions from La Voz de Ibiza.

The track of a juvenile center in Ibiza?

Meanwhile, in social networks have emerged versions that point out that Daniela was under the guardianship of the Consell de Ibiza in a center for minors in the city and from which, according to these testimonies not officially confirmed, allegedly escaped due to systematic harassment by other inmates.

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Thus, in a comment posted on Facebook, self-attributed to Daniela’s alleged sister, a shocking account is given, which we reproduce in full: “I am her sister, this is my boyfriend’s profile. She is fine, she calls us every day so that we are not worried. She was in a center for minors in Ibiza and ran away because there were a couple of girls who harassed her, blamed her for the death of our father, since he committed suicide, stole her clothes, tried to poison her, chased her at night, saying: “I am her sister, this is the profile of my boyfriend.

your father died because of you and things similar to that, they poured ammonia in her shampoo, they stole her memories of our father, they took pictures of her health cards and uploaded them to social networks with documents of her and laughing at her, they spit in her food. If it is already hard for a child to be harassed at school for six hours, imagine day and night at home, not even being able to go to the bathroom for fear of being insulted or that they could do anything to you. All this and many more things, our mother together with my sister, tried to denounce but they told her that her legal guardian had to go, which is the director of the center and he did not want to denounce, he just told her to avoid them, since it is impossible if they go after you and you live with them and eight months later, things got worse, since no measures were taken. And the reason why the publication did not come out before is so that these things would not come to light, my sister tried to make things right but they have made it very difficult. Thank you for your concern”.

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Silence from the Consell de Ibiza: “We are not talking about minors”.

La Voz de Ibiza has tried unsuccessfully to confirm this version of events with the management of the center for minors where the teenager would have been admitted and with the Consell de Ibiza, the competent body for minors. It has not been denied that she was under guardianship, nor that she was. The reason is that information on minors is not provided to protect their identity, despite the fact that this is a girl who is supposedly missing and whose identity, names, surnames, complexion, and photograph have been disseminated precisely to help locate her.

“In no case are we talking about minors,” official sources of the Consell de Ibiza said.

In addition to the aforementioned Facebook comment from her alleged sister, La Voz de Ibiza has collected two more testimonies from girls who claim to know Daniela and who say she is fine. In one case, they place her trace in Asturias and in another, “with the mother”. One of the testimonies assures that “Daniel escaped more times”.

The track of a juvenile center in Ibiza?

The clues collected lead to the Illa de Bes center for minors, close to Can Misses, as the place where Daniela was supposedly before her disappearance, apparently another escape of a minor under the care of the administration of minors. Neither the Foundation that manages it nor the Consell de Ibiza have confirmed this information.

  • The disappearance is being managed by the National Center for Missing Persons (CNDES), under the Ministry of the Interior.
  • Contact telephone number:
    • National Police: 091
    • ANAR telephone number for missing children: 116 000
  • Official website:
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Anyone with relevant information about Daniela is asked to immediately contact the numbers provided or through local authorities.

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Automatic Translation Notice: This text has been automatically translated from Spanish. It may contain inaccuracies or misinterpretations. We appreciate your understanding and invite you to consult the original version for greater accuracy.

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