One month after DJ Jackmaster’s death, a heartfelt tribute in Ibiza

At the place where he passed away and where he built much of what is now his legacy, a poignant memorial to Jack Revill stands, just a month after his death
Jack Revill. (Foto: Instagram @jackmaster)

Last October 12, DJ Jack Revill, better known as Jackmaster, passed away in Ibiza. The musician was hospitalized in Can Misses with a head injury and died days later, at the age of 38. As usual, the details of his death are still under investigation.

His friend and colleague, DJ Seth Troxler, has paid him a heartfelt tribute in Ibiza a month after his death. On a billboard in full view of everyone, next to a photo of the late DJ, reads: ”

In the beginning there was Jack. The soundest friend ever. RIP Jack Revilla, AKA Jackmaster “. Translated into Spanish, it says: “In the beginning was Jack, the most solid friend in the world. Rest in peace.


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A post shared by Seth Troxler (@stroxler).

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Automatic Translation Notice: This text has been automatically translated from Spanish. It may contain inaccuracies or misinterpretations. We appreciate your understanding and invite you to consult the original version for greater accuracy.

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