From Monday, January 20, the Local Police of Ibizain collaboration with the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) and the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Ibiza (AJE Ibiza), is carrying out a series of controls to vehicles for school transport and minors in the vicinity of schools. This campaign aims to ensure compliance with road safety regulations and provide greater guarantees to families who entrust the transport of their children to this type of transport.
Infringements detected
In the first days of inspection, agents have identified a number of irregularities that have generated concern among the authorities. Among them are cases of vehicles with expired ITV, drivers with expired driving licenses and one who tested positive for drugs. . Además, se han detectado infracciones relacionadas con el uso inadecuado del sistema de retención infantil y el uso del móvil mientras se conduce, comprometiendo la seguridad de los menores. Como medida inmediata, la Policía Local ha retirado de circulación dos vehículos que no cumplían con las condiciones necesarias para operar. Las autoridades han enfatizado que estas acciones buscan garantizar que los vehículos y sus conductores estén en óptimas condiciones para realizar este tipo de servicios.
The importance of the campaign
These controls not only seek to identify infractions, but also to reinforce the confidence of families in the island’s school transport system. The campaign will end this Friday, January 24, and the final figures of the operation will be published in the coming days.