A car thief in Ibiza has been caught in action thanks to the security camera of a cab he was trying to steal. The images, released by the Local Police of Sant Josep, clearly show the exact moment in which the offender acts.
In the video, the individual can be seen loitering around the area, keeping an eye on the surroundings. Shortly after, he approaches the parked cab and, with a manhole cover in his hand, breaks the glass of the vehicle to gain access to its interior.
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The police accompanied the publication of the video with an ironic message: “The opportunistic kinki, a species that, unfortunately, is not extinct. Here we show you one of these specimens and its modus operandi”.
The incident has generated indignation among neighbors, who denounce the increase in vehicle thefts on the island and call for more vigilance on the streets.
In addition, the Local Police have detailed that “after the breakage, it disappears for a few seconds, lest it has alerted a predator”. However, it then returns and makes off with its booty.