The general direction of Public Function of the Govern has postponed “by surprise”, according to the majority unions, the negotiations in the Mesa del Empleado Público to increase the complement of insularity of the civil servants of the community.
Union sources have explained to the EFE news agency that this “unilateral” decision, announced by the general director of Public Function, Antoni Mesquida, in a “brief” meeting, has been interpreted as an insult to public employees by the representatives of UGT, CCOO, CSIF and STEI Intersindical.
They also regret that the Govern has argued that there is a “considerable” percentage of representatives of the public personnel of the islands who do not agree with the agreement, something that is a “contempt” towards the majority of the table, represented by UGT, CCOO and STEI.
Thus, they point out that this change in the approach of the regional executive may respond to an order dictated “from above” -the Consolat de Mar-, due to the reluctance of entities such as the medical union Simebal.
The executive has specified that the decision to postpone this agreement is due to the perception that it does not fully satisfy the civil servants as a whole and that is why it is intended to reach a consensus among all the union forces, as stated to IB3 by the general director of Civil Service.