The Hotel Business Federation of Ibiza and Formentera (FEHIF) continues to lose members. continues to lose associates: this Monday it has confirmed the departure of Alicia Reina, owner of Migjorn Ibiza Suites in Platja d’en Bossa, as well as being the president of the Spanish Association of Hotel Directors (AEDH) of the Balearic Islands, as she has confirmed to La Voz de Ibiza. As she explained to the Board of Directors of the FEHIF, this decision “has been taken after a thorough analysis of our position and needs”. First of all, he questioned the “criticisms unjustly poured during the recent assembly of the Hotel Federation of the Pitiusas“. “Criticism was expressed towards me and the Spanish Association of Hotel Managers (AEDH) in the Balearic Islands, accusing us of eagerness for prominence and wanting to assume the representation of the Pitiusas hoteliers,” he maintained. According to Reina, these statements “are unfounded and do not reflect the true mission of our association. It is regrettable that in a forum that should seek unity and cooperation, these spaces are used to make accusations that do not contribute to strengthening the sector.” Reina, in addition to being the manager of Migjorn Ibiza Suites, where the Unic restaurant that received a Michelin starlast year is located, promotes Tanit Ibiza Congress & Awards, pioneering awards to give visibility to women.

“Our purpose is not, nor has it ever been, to compete with or replace the Federation. On the contrary, we aspire to collaborate to face together the great challenges of the sector, such as sustainability, quality of service and tourismphobia,” she said. In addition, the administrator and director of Migjorn Ibiza referred to “divergence of approaches and priorities” with respect to the Hotel Federation of Ibiza and Formentera. “Our mission as AEDH is clear: to support and professionalize the work of hotel managers and directors. This approach complements, but does not compete with, the work of the Federation, which represents hotel entrepreneurs. However, the lack of recognition of this role by the Federation has hindered our effective collaboration,” he argued. This results in a “lack of synergy in representation,” he said. “We consider that the representation of our company, Migjorn Ibiza, and its specific interests has not been as expected. This lack of alignment has led us to rethink our participation in the Federation,” something that finally concluded with his departure. “In an environment of increasing complexity and competitiveness, we believe it is essential to focus our resources on organizations that share and understand our professional goals and defend our interests in a more efficient and courageous way,” says Reina. Despite the departure of FEHIF, he reaffirms his “commitment to the tourism sector in the region and we maintain our willingness to collaborate in joint initiatives that seek a common benefit”.
Against immobility
On the other hand, Reina has expressed the need for “a profound change in the way the Federation acts and represents the sector“, as has been proposed byPalladiumHotel Group. Palladium Hotel Group and from Vibra Hotelwhich is also considering leaving the employers’ association. “Although I recognize the work done so far, I share the concerns expressed by some chains. The lack of a clear project and a long-term vision is distancing the Federation from its true purpose: to be a strong and united voice that defends the interests of all associates and the hotel sector in general,” he said. As has been stated by Palladium Hotel Group and Vibra Hotel, Reina said that it is time to “rethink priorities and adapt to current challenges. A more dynamic, professional and socially impactful approach is needed. In this regard, he said that it is necessary to “define concrete objectives and clear strategies that benefit the hotel sector as a whole” in order to maintain its relevance. Reina questioned that “I have been used as a scapegoat to justify the lack of relevance that the Hotel Federation has reached. Instead of recognizing their own shortcomings, they have preferred to point to me as the culprit for what is, in reality, a consequence of their lack of courage, proactivity and work in defending the interests of the sector.” “In addition, the alleged desire for the limelight has its own problems, because, far from seeking the spotlight, I have taken significant risks to defend the interests of the sector, standing up for myself even when I knew that this could harm me personally. I have always put the common good first, something that many cannot say,” he said.